Prayer gathering local TV coverage
From: Kota Territory ABC news
Native Americans in KOTA Territory come together to pray for the health of the land and the earth.
Saturday, members of the Defenders of the Black Hills met at Sioux Park for their 10th annual prayer gathering.
The group is a non-profit, volunteer organization that fights for environmental causes.
This year the organization has concerns over the Keystone XL Pipeline, which could cause spills in the Ogallala Aquifer.
They are also opposed to a nuclear power plant in Canada being built to pump the oil.
"Both of those are very destructive to the earth, to human beings, to our way of life, to everything. And it will contribute greatly to global warming of course," said Charmine White Face from Defenders of the Black Hills.
To further their cause, the organization hands out form letters, creates petitions, and has a booth at the Black Hills Pow Wow.
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