Home Meetings Meetings December 17, 2004

December 17, 2004

December 17, 2004

Defenders of the Black Hills
Dec. 17, 2004 Meeting Notes

Opening Prayer: Jace Decory

Opening Remarks: Charmaine White Face, Coordinator


Minutes of? Nov. 21 Meeting: read by Nancy Kile, Secretary

Treasurer's report: Brian Brademeyer, Treasurer


Bear Butte Preservation Task Force:? Dec. 8th Meeting Notes (See Hand-out)

Cotteau Mine Expansion Project - The Three Affiliated Tribes backed out of the agreement which they had with the mining company which put the project on hold for a while. Defenders needs to increase informing the public about the environmental impacts of the coal burning industry.(See Hand-out)

Abandoned Uranium Mines: Cave Hills & SW Black Hills

Lilly reported that she, Garvard, and Ted had attended the open house at former Brainard Indian School, located south of Edgemont.? She did Geiger counter testing as the school is southeast of some abandoned uranium mines in the SW Black Hills.? The tests showed that the area around the school reads slightly higher then ordinary background radiation. Water testing was not completed. She further explained that unregulated uranium mining occurred in the Black Hills beginning in the 1950's and 60's. The Tennessee Valley Authority drilled 90 some mines in the Southern Hills area. Because the soil is pyritic and contains sulfur,? uranium tailings left in the area will leach eternally. Discussion about the Superfund.

In northwestern South Dakota within the Custer National Forest, in the Cave Hills/Slim Buttes area are 27 unmarked open pit uranium mines. More research needs to be completed regarding the Cave Hills/Slim Buttes mines and their aftereffects.? Charmaine apologized for not getting a grant written specifically for this project but will try to complete one ASAP.

Crow Butte Uranium Mine
This active uranium mine, located in NW Nebraska just south of Pine Ridge Reservation, is one of the projects of Owe Aku, Debbie and Alex White Plume's organization.? Charmaine stated that this is the kind of involvement all of our projects? need, where local groups take on the project.

AISES Presentation
Lilly reported on Brian's presentation to AISES, an organization at the School of Mines.? An open invitation has been extended to Defenders to the Multi-Cultural Club events and the Region 5 AISES Conference, in? March 2005.

Door Prize Winner
A Ginger Bread House donated by Ingrid Long Soldier was offered as a door prize for the Regular Dec. Meeting and also exhibited at LNI.? The winner was Marge Edwards from McLaughlin, SD.

Lakota Nation Invitational Raffle Winners:
Star Quilt- Birdstone Farm, Cross River, NY;?? White Calf Painting- Laurette Pourier (who donated it back to Defenders);? Pipe Offering Painting- Riley Haskie;? Ledger Art Print- Paulette Mueller;? Flute- Birdstone Farm

Black Hills:

Homestake Mine
The SD Science and Technology Authority? will be approaching the SD legislature to pass a law so they can use eminent domain to condemn the underground mining area of Homestake Mine. (See Handout)? Jace will research the proposed bill.? Defenders will hold a special meeting regarding this on Mon., Dec. 27.

Cement Law Suit
Brian explained the Cement Law Suit which was won by Biodiversity Conservation Alliance and Brian to stop a logging project in one of the more remote areas in the Black Hills. (See Handout)

Recommendation was made to work with local college students in researching and gathering data that is not being given to the public.

USFS Phase II Management Plan
The US Forest Service Phase II Management Plan comment period is extended to January 14, 2005. (See Handout) Post cards with images of the Black Hills Dipper, Great Horned Owl on an ancient Yellow Pine, a Mountain Lion, and a Pine Marten are available at the office as another way to send in comments. E-mail your comments to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ?????????? Or mail to:? BHNF? Phase II Amendment, PO Box 270990, Littleton, CO 80127

Possible Spring Action
Plans for a spring equinox gathering to be held at Brian's place near Harney Peak will be discussed during the Special Meeting to be? held? Dec. 27.

Other:? Charmaine reported on the work and action at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. She has offered to teach anyone interested in the International Work. A Training Session is scheduled in Manderson with other sponsors.? Charmaine will research requirements for Non-Governmental Organization status for Defenders.

Upcoming Events:

Mon.? Dec. 27, 1-5 p.m.? Special Planning Meeting re: Homestake Mine at St. Isaac Jogues coffee room.

Thurs.? Jan. 6th, 2005, 6:00 p.m. Bear Butte Preservation Task Force meeting at Bear Butte Lodge

Fri. & Sat. Jan. 7-8th, 2005. International Training at Wounded Knee District School, Manderson, SD (See Flyer)

Tues. - Thurs. Jan. 11-13, 2005.? International Indigenous Meeting in Window Rock, Arizona,

Jan. 28-30, 2005.? Defenders invited to table at Dakota Winterfest in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada

Next Meeting:?? Sat., Jan. 22, 1-5 p.m., St. Isaac Jogues coffee room, Rapid City. SD

Closing Prayer: Janice Bad Horse Larson

Pot luck

Submitted by Nancy Kile, Secretary
Concurred by Charmaine White Face, Coordinator

Handouts: (If you wish an email copy, please let us know. Thank you.)
Bear Butte Task Force 12-8-04
Deadline for Comments 1-14-05
Homestake Eminent Domain RCJ article
Judge Blocks Timber Sale - RCJ
Form Letter - BHNF
Coteau Mine news release 11-3-04
Indigenous Hunger Strike - ICT
Form Letter - UN HCHR

Mission Statement

"Defenders of the Black Hills is a group of volunteers without racial or tribal boundaries whose mission is to preserve, protect, and restore the environment of the 1851 and 1868 Treaty Territories, Treaties made between the United States and the Great Sioux Nation."

Speaking about radioactive fallout, the late President John F. Kennedy said,

"Even then, the number of children and grandchildren with cancer in their bones, with leukemia in their blood, or with poison in their lungs might seem statistically small to some, in comparison with natural health hazards. But this is not a natural health hazard and it is not a statistical issue. The loss of even one human life, or the malformation of even one baby who may be born long after we are gone, should be of concern to us all. Our children and grandchildren are not merely statistics toward which we can be indifferent."

July 26, 1963 upon signing the ban on above ground nuclear tests