Home Meetings Meetings January 14, 2006

January 14, 2006

January 14, 2006

PO Box 2003, Rapid City, SD 57709 Phone: (605) 399-1868 Fax: (605) 399-1851

Meeting Notes - Jan. 14, 2006

Opening Prayer and Remarks: Charmaine White Face


For the record: Calvin Jones, Rosebud Sioux Tribe apologized for their Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, Russell Eagle Bear, not being able to attend due to other duties.

Minutes: Dec. 21, 2005 Meeting - Charmaine apologized for forgetting to bring copies but most had received them in the mail or email.

Treasurer?s Report: Brian reported on our current, very low financial status.? Discussion followed on ways to help fund the general operations of the Organization.? Need at least $500 per month for basic expenses.? Anything extra such as gas to attend a meeting on one of the reservations is not included in basic expenses.? Charmaine reported that the grant application to the Seventh Generation Fund was denied.

Suggestions included asking for membership dues; letters to all Tribes as Defenders provides information that they do not receive; business sponsorships; sending a donation request in the mailing.? We have some items that could raise funds such as the CD.? Charmaine will send a letter to the Tribes.? Donation requests will be sent with the Meeting Notes.

Brief Updates:

1) Cave Hills and other Uranium mines.? We will be on the agenda of the State-Tribal Relations Committee meeting in mid-session, probably mid-February.? Will present the need for mine cleanup in SD and WY as it is polluting the water and air causing major health problems in SD and to the other states to the East and South. We will send out a notice if possible and would like as many as are able to attend to show our concerns for these and other issues.

2) Bear Butte Land Trust Fund was created at Wells Fargo Bank, 825 St. Joseph St.,? Rapid City, SD 57701.? Donations also may be made at any Wells Fargo Bank to: Defenders of the Black Hills, Inc, Bear Butte Land Trust Fund.? Send info to the schools as fund-raising for the protection of this sacred place can also be a way to educate our children to Bear Butte.

3) DM&E Railroad: (Copy of information will be sent in another email.)

4) Cotteau Mines: The air in North Dakota is brown from all the pollution from the coal burning power plants.? Dakota Resource Council talked about an Environmental Summit in North Dakota to bring attention to this major pollution problem that is affecting all of us.? The Cotteau Mining Company also plans on destroying more (1700) grave and sacred sites to strip mine coal.

Development in the Black Hills:
CD Presentation:? Defenders has a 12 minute CD? that shows exceptional pictures of the logging, mining, tourism, and coal bed methane development.? (As we don?t have a laptop, some of the group went to the office following the meeting and viewed the CD.? Requires Windows Media Play 9 or 10.? Anyone wishing a copy, please send a note or call the office. Excellent teaching tool about the 1868 Treaty and the environmental destruction in the Black Hills. Produced by Seventh Generation Fund: Chris ?Mo? Hollis.)

Walmart Update: Plans to build a Walmart Superstore in the Black Hills on Highway 16 will be discussed at the Rapid City Council Meeting on 1-16-06.? (Update:? Charmaine and Laurette Pourier attended the meeting.? Charmaine gave a presentation about the legality of land ownership and the sacred sites issue.? No response.? The meeting was still in progress when we left at 11:00PM. Four appeals to be taken at the next Rapid City City Council meeting, Feb. 6.? Further Update:? The City Council did not do any action but have scheduled a special meeting on the Walmart application for Feb. 13, 2006 - usually at 7:00 PM)

Lakota Lake Encampment is an exclusive, expensive housing development in the middle of the sacred Black Hills being built by a local, old company, Knecht Lumber Company.? Calvin Jones talked about documents that state that $19 billion in assets were removed from the Black Hills.? He will look for the information. Discussion on the protection of sacred sites.

- Break-?? Introduction of Native Era, rap duo from Pine Ridge: Hope Brings Plenty and Billy Janis.? They offered to do a fund-raising show if we could pay for their travel.

Continued Discussion on the Black Hills:

1.? Letter was sent to Richard Knecht, and will be sent to the CEO of Walmart. (Copy to follow in another email.)

2. Dirty Dozen Developers: take from our list of issues and publicize including the Hell Canyon Bridge, Homestake Underground Laboratory, D,M& E Railroad, others.

3.? Approach the tribes that do business with the Dirty Dozen.? ?If we can?t defeat them, we shouldn?t support them.?

4.? Inform and get the involvement of all the tribes that consider the Black Hills sacred. (This would also include Bear Butte.)

5.? National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106, should be considered in all the Black Hills.? Get THPO?s and the Tribal Chairmen?s Association involved.

(Section 106 was to be used in the Bear Butte lawsuit against the shooting range. Our lawyer won our case by pointing out the illegal use of HUD federal funds.? We still owe him $23,000 for his out-of-pocket expenses on that case.? We gave our word to pay for these but they were denied by the court after he won the case. He won?t take us to court but we must keep our word.)

6.? Increase public awareness: approach Native American Broadcasting about the Black Hills.

7.? Need an underwriter to sponsor an ad in the New York Times.

8.? Billboards along I-90 near the Black Hills are $1,000 per month with a 1 year lease.? We also still have the signs. They are plastic and need a plywood back with a post. The signs say ?HeSapa kin wakan, oheniya kik suyapo? which means ?Remember, the Black Hills are sacred.? These have been recommendations to make as bumper stickers and t-shirts, but we need someone to sponsor the initial cost then we can do them as fund-raiser items.)

9.? Clinton?s Executive Order regarding the protection of sacred sites was mentioned.? Lee and Joanne will both check to see if it is still viable.
10.? Inlay of our logo in a park, or public places introduced by Brian.? He will give us a more detailed description of his idea at the next meeting.

Draft Declaration on the Human rights of Indigenous Peoples: Clifford White Eyes, a Sincangu elder who attends the meetings at the UN gave a brief presentation.? Tony Black Feather was the spokesperson then Charmaine was appointed to take his place, and will be attending the next meeting of the Working Group from Jan. 26-Feb. 5.

Special Meeting on Feb. 11, 2006, Black Hills Strategy, 1-5:00 PM, St. Isaac Jogues Church Coffee room, next door to the Mother Butler Center, 221 Knollwood Dr., Rapid City, SD.

Regular Meeting - Feb. 25, 2006,? 1-5:00 PM, St. Isaac Jogues Church Coffee room, next door to the Mother Butler Center, 221 Knollwood Dr., Rapid City, SD.

Closing Prayer - Reuben McCloskey



Defenders is an all volunteer organization that has been able to send out notices, hand out information, attend and hold meetings, and bring issues of concern on health, the environment, and sacred places to the general public.

In the past three and a half years of operation, Defenders has not requested a membership fee, and freely shares information as well as providing speakers and gatherings to discuss issues.

However, in order to continue the work, the organization is in need of help with the operating expenses.? If you can, could you please contribute something to the general operating budget of Defenders of the Black Hills? One dollar alone will help with postage.

We are a non-profit corporation so all donations are tax-exempt.

Thank you so much for considering our request.

Mission Statement

"Defenders of the Black Hills is a group of volunteers without racial or tribal boundaries whose mission is to preserve, protect, and restore the environment of the 1851 and 1868 Treaty Territories, Treaties made between the United States and the Great Sioux Nation."

Speaking about radioactive fallout, the late President John F. Kennedy said,

"Even then, the number of children and grandchildren with cancer in their bones, with leukemia in their blood, or with poison in their lungs might seem statistically small to some, in comparison with natural health hazards. But this is not a natural health hazard and it is not a statistical issue. The loss of even one human life, or the malformation of even one baby who may be born long after we are gone, should be of concern to us all. Our children and grandchildren are not merely statistics toward which we can be indifferent."

July 26, 1963 upon signing the ban on above ground nuclear tests